Happy Employees Make Loyal Employees

Happy Employees Make Loyal Employees

By Unemployment Tracker Posted March 27, 2019

In your company, you know it's better to retain employees than hire new ones. When you deal with unemployment insurance, you understand the importance of keeping your turnover rate low to help improve your tax rate. Knowing you want to retain employees isn't enough to make it happen.

One of the main secrets to keeping your employees loyal is simple: make them happy. By creating a more positive environment, you're making a space where people want to stay and do their jobs better.

Happy workers perform better

This just makes sense. An employee who's stressed and burnt out is more likely to miss work and drag their feet. Studies have found that employees who have some joy inserted into their day perform at higher levels than those who do not. As an employer, try and keep the workplace positive and avoid spiraling into a toxic culture.

When it comes to dealing with customers, the better mood they're in, the better chance you have of selling your product and/or your company. Think about your own experience – are you more likely to say yes to someone who looks like they hate their job or someone who seems excited to help you?

Because of this, happy employees also boost your bottom line.

What changes can you make?

If you're wondering how to make your employees happy, look no further. Here are some quick, easy, and logical solutions to have a happier team.

  • Pay fairly: Look for major discrepancies between workers and evaluate your pay compared to others in the industry. If you don't want people to look elsewhere for work, you need to make sure their pay is fair.
  • Provide feedback: Even when it's constructive, employees like receiving feedback so they know where they stand and how they're doing. Take the time to show you're engaged in them and you notice how hard they work.
  • Stop bullying: Bullies are one of the fastest ways to kill a team or department. If you have someone on your team, it might be time for a serious talk or even parting ways.
  • Be nice: Even if your personality is a little bit rougher or reserved, you want to always be courteous and professional to your workers. No one likes working for a grump.
  • Offer promotions: Don't hold so tightly to your own power you forget to notice the good of your team. If someone consistently does well, reward them with the promotion they deserve.

Save money with Unemployment Tracker

Not paying attention to your UI claims could be costing you thousands of dollars each year. Instead of accepting the loss, try partnering with Unemployment Tracker. We have the solutions you need to monitor your UI claims. Contact us today to learn more!


Employee Retention Tips, How To Boost Employee Retention, Unemployment Insurance Software, Employee Loyalty In The Workplace, How To Question Employee Loyalty, Employee Incentives

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