Every year, your company may pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in unemployment insurance taxes. Though you may not realize it. these taxes are the only controllable employer tax. You can lower your company’s tax payments one by tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars with a few changes to your claims management and human resources practices.
To get started on saving on your unemployment taxes, follow these tips:
- Understand how unemployment works in your state. Different states require different timeframes to responding to claims and may charge your state unemployment insurance account differently. You need to understand how your state works in order to save money. Contact an unemployment insurance expert or take a training class offered by your state to learn more.
- Get your policies and documentation in order. Your policies can help you protest unemployment claims and with those protests. If you need help, contact an expert to get your policies and documents ready.
- Document everything. When you discipline an employee, document every incident properly. You can use these documents as evidence when protesting an unemployment claim and be more likely to win. Winning can improve your tax rate.
- Use software. Software like Unemployment Tracker can help you track, audit and control your unemployment insurance costs. These programs can lower your costs and save you work.
- Audit your unemployment insurance charges. Check out your report to make sure there are not employees collecting unemployment while working full-time or while receiving vacation or holiday pay.
- Prepare to protest strongly. It may take you multiple protests of the same claim to finally win your protest. You may also have to protest all the way through the unemployment system, even past the hearing level, to win your protest. Don’t give up; keep fighting until you win.
For more tips and information on setting your unemployment insurance management goals and reducing your payments, contact Unemployment Tracker today.